Friday, 10 October 2014


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The magazine is exclusively aimed at men, this is suggested by the masthead and the fact that the whole magazine consists of  puffs/cover lines that state things such as  ‘ Super Hero Abs Results In 15 Days’ also another one includes ‘Build Bigger Arms’ this shows that it is aimed at men also.

Socio-Economic Grouping

Men’s Health would be aimed at people in the socio-economic group AB and possibly a select few in C1, this is suggested through the fact that it is a magazine about looking good and staying fit, a characteristic seen within people with higher economic incomes, also these people are generally more concerned with looking good and looking the part. Also these people may be in serious relationships and settled down with wives, which is seen more often among higher socio-economic groups, this is shown through  the cover line that says should you hide a love affair? This suggests that the people who read it are often in relationships or marriage.                              


The age group that I feel would be attracted to this magazine are people around the age groups 25-45, I feel that the lower end of that scale would be attracted because one of the cover lines says ‘Upgrade Your Web Profile’ and social media is used by younger people generally, also the upper end of that scale around 35-45 would be attracted because of the people they use on their front covers, Hrithik Roshan is 40 years old and obviously in very good shape, and featured on the main image, he may lead a similar life to people in the AB group, wives etc, and therefore these people may relate or aspire to him and want to look after their bodies and appearance like he does.

Alternative Audience

This magazine although aimed at men aged 25-45 may also have an alternative audience, Hrithik Roshan is an Indian actor and therefore may attract fans of him to buy the magazine, these could even be women who watch his movies and enjoy them.

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